Olympia Family Theater is proud to host Young Playwrights for Change, a national 10-minute playwriting competition for youth in middle school. OFT will select one play from those submitted to compete with other finalists in the national competition.
The Young Playwrights for Change 2021 theme is “No One is Alone”
We are all interconnected and our actions affect each other, even in isolation. What one person does may affect others in unexpected or unintended ways. Yet, in our loneliest hour we still depend on each other for food, water, shelter, and more. To paraphrase the poem by John Donne, No one is an island. Have you ever felt alone in a crowd? Or accepted by strangers? What can make us reach across a barrier, group, or isolating situation to connect with someone? In what ways can creativity create bridges between the isolated or lonely?
For more information and contest rules and guidelines please visit: https://www.aate.com/young-playwrights-for-change
Playwriting Workshop
If you are in middle school and enjoy writing we hope you will consider submitting a play, you do not have to have any prior experience writing or acting in plays. To help you, we are providing a free playwriting workshop (optional and open to all ages) facilitated on ZOOM by Claribel Gross, Education Director at OFT on Tuesday, February 16th from 4pm – 6pm (or email Claribel to schedule a free workshop) come ready to explore the basics of playwriting, competition guidelines, and creative ways to get started.
Plays should be submitted (individually or through a teacher) to claribel@olyft.org no later than 5pm on February 26, 2021. All plays will be read and reviewed by a committee of OFT artists and educators and one will be chosen to submit to the national competition. (Deadline for OFT to submit a winning play is March 1st.)
Please contact Claribel Gross at claribel@olyft.org with any questions.