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The Giver

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Wild Fire and the Bird Scouts
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The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee

Upcoming Classes & Camps:

Acting 101 – 3rd-5th
4pm – 6pm | Mondays | Jan. 13th - March 3rd | Grades 3rd-5th
Uni the Unicorn: A Theater Adventure
4pm – 6pm | Mondays | Jan. 13th - March 3rd | Grades K-2nd
Improv 101 – Adults
6:30pm – 8:30pm | Mondays | Jan. 27th - March 17th | Adults
Character & Couture
4pm – 6pm | Tuesday | Jan. 14th - March 4th | 6th-8th
Hone that Musical Tone!
4pm - 6pm | Tuesdays | Jan 14th - March 4th | 6th-12th
Improv 201 – Adults
6:30pm – 8:30pm | Tuesdays | Jan. 28th -  March 18th | Adults
Improv 101 – Teens
4pm – 6pm | Wednesdays | Jan. 15th - March 5th | Grades 7th-12th
Unlocking the Script
4pm – 6pm | Wednesdays | Jan. 15th - March 5th | Grades 7th-12th
Defying Gravity: A Musical Theater Journey (3rd-5th)
4pm – 6pm | Thursday | Jan. 16th - March 6th | Grades 3rd-5th
Improv Teens 301
4pm – 6pm | Thursday | Jan. 16th - March 6th | Grades 7th-12th
Improv 301 – Adult
6:30pm - 8:30pm | Thursdays | Jan 30th - March 20th | Adults
Acting 101 – 3rd-5th
4pm – 6pm | Mondays | Jan. 13th - March 3rd | Grades 3rd-5th
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Fully Vaxxed

March 18 – April 3, 2022

When people hold opinions different from our own, how do we communicate with them? How do we do what’s best for our family and community?
Though these plays are inspired by vaccines and pandemics; what they’re really about is: luchas and grandmothers, sasquatches and dragons, and improv and wizards!

All performances are bilingual.

Recommended for all ages.

Written by Mabelle Reynoso
In collaboration with Oliver Garcia, Jazel Hernandez, Ana Munoz, and Leilani
Directed by Luz Gaxiola

Benjamin lives with his elderly grandmother – who is obsessed with lucha libre. Benjamin can’t decide whether or not to get vaccinated. One night he falls asleep in his grandmother’s chair and watches his fears play out in an epic lucha wrestling match.

Written by Ramón Esquivel
In collaboration with Yulitssa Meza Duarte, Lus Gallardo, Arely Sanchez Medina, and Mylaa Moreno
Directed by Teal Farías

A mystical gate opens between two worlds. A Sasquatch, a Lechuza, a Dragon, a ferret, and a shrimp meet in a library. They’ll have to figure out who and what is real, and how to keep one another safe as they work through their differences. 

Written by Miguel Pineda
In collaboration with Marixa Romo, Mason Lucas, and Zyrali Ruelas
Directed by Vanessa Postsil

Two characters meet in an undisclosed location. They encounter a wizard and talk about the first person to receive the vaccine. The audience will be called in to provide suggestions throughout the play in this improvisational and participatory piece.

Fully funded by the CDC FoundationFully Vaxxed will build vaccine confidence in diverse communities in Olympia and beyond through the commission and statewide tour of three bilingual one-act plays. OFT is proud to represent one of 30 national project selected for this community-building opportunity.

Our creative process is being co-designed with a roster of partners across Washington-state who serve Latinx and migrant communities including: WashMasksNuestra CasaWenatchee Café, the L.U.C.H.A Club at Mt. Vernon High School and more.

Working together, we will bring original works of theater, vaccine clinics, and community theater workshops across the state.