What is Myth?
A myth is a story, usually containing symbols, passed along through verbal storytelling. They tend to be very old stories with unknown origins. We think of myths as being spoken because many are older than some written languages or told between people who were never taught to write. While the subjects vary across cultures, myths tend to have a religious basis or life lesson, or tell the story of natural phenomenon.
What is Solstice?
Solstice combines the Latin words sol for “Sun” and sistere for “To Stand Still.” It is a day in the year where the Sun appears to reach either its highest or lowest point in the sky. Ancient astronomers labeled these days as a “solstice” since it appeared as though the Sun stood still in the sky. Summer solstice takes place in late June and Winter solstice occurs in late December.
Read more about the science here.
Different holidays and traditions can been specific to communities or nations, but solstice mythology can be found all around the world! Here are just a few:
In Finnish mythology, it’s told that Louhi, the “witch goddess of the North,” kidnapped the Sun and Moon and held them captive inside a mountain, causing the darkness of winter.
Egyptian mythology says that Isis, goddess of motherhood, magic, fertility, death, healing, and rebirth, gave birth to Horus in a Nile Delta during late December. Horus is the falcon-headed god whose father was Osirus, god of the deceased. Horus was significant as he was the first nationally recognized god across Egypt. In addition to unifying the region, he became closely associated with the ruling pharaoh. Eventually, it was thought that the ruling pharaoh was, in fact, Horus himself brought to Earth.
The Scandinavian Goddess, Beiwe, is said to travel through the night sky in a structure made of reindeer bones with her daughter to bring back the greenery upon which reindeer feed. She is worshiped at the solstice in order to bring about the regenerative power of Spring!
Read More about the winter myths here.
Ancient Chinese lore contains the story of Gonggong, a monster with red hair and the tail of a serpent. He fought the Chinese god of fire over who had the right to claim the throne of Heaven. When Gonggong lost the battle he was so upset that he headbutted Buzhou Mountain, a mythological peak which held up the sky. This tilted the heavens permanently, causing the winter and summer solstice.
Family Project:
Want to celebrate the Solstice?
Try burning a Yule Log!
The original purpose of Yule Logs are unclear, but they can be traced back to Germanic paganism. Many types of wood can make great Yule logs with different spiritual qualities linked with each type of wood. Choose Cedar for strength of mind and body, Pine for a year of prosperity, mighty Oak for wisdom, and more! What spiritual blessing would your family appreciate in the coming New Year? You can even decorate your log with natural ornaments before burning it such as pine cones, leaves, holly or mistletoe sprigs, or winter flowers. Remember: if you feel you must cut anything from a living plant, remember to ask and thank the plant for its gift!
The mythology of NYX AND THE LONG NIGHT was created especially for the audiences of Olympia Family Theater by the incredible writing team. The writers selected powerful symbols to tell the story and create that wonderful ancient feeling for the story, while confronting more modern ideas.
The Wisdom of Nature – While nature is often described as “wild” or seen as “different” or “other” when compared to manmade systems, NYX AND THE LONG NIGHT celebrates nature’s ancient knowledge and awesome organization. It may take more than a quick glance, but pay attention and you’ll notice that some bears eat osha root when they have upset tummies, beavers make dams to live in protected ponds away from predators, mushrooms can indicate moist soil, and much more! Even though you can’t plug it in or download it on your phone, we can learn a lot from nature.
Community – Nyx had many kinds of help on her journey, but we can say that her community came to her aid when she needed it most. It can be hard to ask for help, but it can also result in getting what you need to succeed. The community was also glad to have Nyx on her mission since the entire landscape needed the sun returned. On the other hand, Wendell the Wonderful was focused only on his own fame and financial gain which led to his downfall. NYX AND THE LONG NIGHT celebrates the sharing of many instead of the hoarding of one.
Climate Change – NYX AND THE LONG NIGHT shows how much can be damaged or made extinct simply from the destruction of one natural element. All of nature (including humans!) are connected. When one species suffers or fails, it creates strain and hardship on many other creatures. When bee populations dwindle, we have fewer fruit trees; when we grow fewer fruit trees, we have less produce to feed people; when communities face food scarcity or famine, we see mass migration or even war. Let’s make plans to care for nature around us, so it can continue to take care of us!
Polar bears aren’t actually white – Polar bears have a thick, under layer of fur which is transparent, not white. Much like the ice and snow, polar bear fur reflects light, causing them to appear white or yellow. Underneath their translucent fur, polar bears have black skin to better absorb the sun’s rays.
Read More Polar Bear Facts here.
Since polar bears have evolved to thrive in a cold climate, they can overheat quickly when running. While they are often seen walking slowly for this very reason, don’t get any ideas: polar bears can run at 35 mph!
Polar bears are apex predators which means they are at the top of the food chain. Although polar bears have no natural predators, they still face danger. Today, polar bears struggle against habitat loss due to climate change as the Arctic warms and sea ice melts.

UNDERSTANDING URSA: The powerful puppetry behind the polar bear!
The eye-popping polar bear puppet named Ursa will steal your heart as well as imagination in NYX AND THE LONG NIGHT. Donald Paladry, String-and-Shadow Co-Founder, took the lead on creating the magnificent beast. He refers to the process he developed while making Ursa as “sculpture engineering.” It required careful mechanics to work, but those mechanics also needed to make the shape of a polar bear. The trick? It slips on the actor using a hiking backpack! Once he discovered how the actor could wear the puppet, he built the rest using plastic pipes, elastic bands, and even glued sneakers into the feet to give the actor better control. But the most important consideration Donald said he had as he considered Ursa’s careful construction, “I wanted the puppet to inspire awe and not be scary.” Ursa was made with you in mind.
Ursa puppet facts:
– Donald spent over 50 hours of work on this one puppet alone!
– Ursa’s body is reinforced with old political campaign signs as they are made of durable plastic that cannot be recycled. Ursa advocates for upcycling from the inside and out!
– The actor inside Usra, Kate, is a trained aerialist, which is why she can make Ursa appear so life-like on stage!

In the story of NYX AND THE LONG NIGHT, Nyx is a wood sprite. What kind of sprite would you be?