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Noodlehead Stories

OFT Let's Play logo verticalThese dynamic, interactive shows are suitable for ALL ages. They are between 20-35 minutes in length and perfect for the very youngest of audience members- toddlers, preschoolers and up. Giggles guaranteed.

Admission is just $5 per person – CASH or CHECK only please- payable at the door when you arrive. If you’re bringing a big group, give us a call to make sure we have space!

2014-15 Shows will be at our NEW HOME! 612 4th Ave in downtown Olympia- right across the street from City Hall.

What is a Noodlehead Story?——–Noodlehead tales have a long storytelling tradition.  They feature a simple, blundering person or people who do not use good sense or learn from experience. There is some kind of twisted logic to the stories. Who is really the fool? Noodlehead tales reveal a silliness that resides in all of us which often emerges at our most awkward moments. They enable us to laugh at ourselves and are not told to ridicule or make fun of others. Many have been turned into picture books. The stories themselves are easily transported from one cultural context to another. Most collections of folktales contain at least one or two noodlehead stories.